On values
Before year's end, some wisdom from a friend, ahead of the coming year:
"Values are the ideas and qualities that we feel most connected to, that feel most relevant to us in the life we lead. Values are the characteristics that we most respect in ourselves, in others, and in organisations that really bring to life those values. They are often the things we base our important decisions on without even knowing.
However, most of us make decisions based upon the values we have ended up with rather than the values we truly, deeply, hold to be important. This happens naturally as we grow older. We start to pick up the values of those around us – parents, family, teachers, colleagues, bosses. We start to be influenced by advertising and politics. We also start to reject some values that we used to really live our lives by because we start to feel they don’t work ‘in the real world’ – that we risk being hurt, unappreciated or rejected if we carry on living those values. So we hide them, ignore them or change them. But deep, deep down, in our inner mind, they don’t go away.
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