Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Nigerian web radio station



Lost at The End 12:20 am  

One more thing to be addicted to.

Anonymous,  3:07 pm  

Hey Jeremy,
this is entirely unrelated but since you're with Next i decided to post it here. There's this very wrong habit by the webteam of updating (seemingly automatically) all old stories on the website to the current date. I think you guys should have the dates articles are written kept, rather than changing all the dates. Cheers man.

Jeremy 8:01 pm  

Anonymous - its a bug, which I've been aware about since we launched. We are working on it don't worry!

The End 1:22 am  

Very interesting. I second lost and catwalk.

By the way, I know this is also completely unrelated but I am so glad about the impeachment of the gov of Il. Makes nonsense of our (Naija's) immunity clause.

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