Child Witches follow-up
The Channel 4 Dispatches programme last night had a powerful impact. You can watch video clips via this link. A Facebook group to close down the Liberty Foundation has appeared. 10,000 pounds was raised within hours of the programme finishing, which will be put to good use at CRARN and for Stepping Stones' excellent work. To make your donation, go here. The journey to stop the terrible practice of castigating children accused of witchcraft in Akwa Ibom has begun.
I watched the programme last night and was upset, shocked and appalled that innocent children are being subjected to extreme and horrific abuse all in the name of religion. I also felt shame that this was happening in MY COUNTRY in this very day and age!I commend CRARN for their good work and will be doing everything I can to assist. I urge fellow readers/ bloggers to do the same.
Esther Kaleb-Shelleng
I still feel sad. Kudos to Gary Foxcroft.It's a real eye opener for us in the diaspora.This is a country where it was said that "someone" is planning to spend 100m Naira on his daughters wedding!! All those money miss road can donate their loot and ill gotten wealth to a good cause. I've started sending emails to all my friends to donate money,clothes,shoes, books etc to this cause.
J, you won’t believe how sad I was yesterday. I was shocked at the horrible and disgusting treatment of children by parents and families, especially the churches. I was so sad that the Helen lady, who is propagating and encouraging this cruel act, saw no reason why she should accept any form of responsibility for it. To think that she likened herself to JK Rowlings… I wish this documentary could be shown in Nigeria, AIT, Channels, NTA, someone media house should show this horrible act and let these churches see the destruction and hurt they are causing little children. I am a Pentecostal Christian and I still don’t see where in the Bible Jesus Christ killed, maimed or burnt children or even accuse them of witchcraft. The only one or two stories of possessed people in the bible were freed without physically or emotionally harming them.
To see the governor of the state in designer suit and his “chewing gum” female commissioner, not even in touch with the reality in the state is completely disgusting.
Is Nigeria truly free? When will my people be free from the oppression of its own people?
I was ashamed to be Nigerian yesterday! J, yesterday was one of those days you should be glad that you are not Nigerian.
Jeremy, do you know anyone that recorded the full program?(u know I don't live in the UK na) Hopefully, someone did...if you know, please halla at ya sista,abeg.
Especially the names of the incompetent mutherfuckers in the government that refuse to become civilised.
And it will be nice to hear satan's wife Helen, so I can insult her in a way that she deserves.
I hope she does not think she was ever "delivered" as Satan's wife...she is still very much his lover.
I watched it last night and I'm still in shock. What has happened to us as a people? Are we just going to shrug our shoulders and
allow evil pentecostal preachers like Helen Ukpabio destroy our communities.
Thanks for the links to the donation site
With regard to her films, this woman compares herself to J K Rowling the creator of Harry Potter and she says that Channel 4 is racist, because they have not challenged J K Rowing whose works are full of witches and wizards. She claims that all the negative attention she is receiving is because she is black. Such an idiot!
However, it is unfortunate that we have allowed this phenomenon to escalate to its present state, and in fact did nothing about it until now that the Western media brought it to our attention. Even now, most of us are still just talking, shouting and expressing outrage. I don't see that any concerted effort is being made to address this problem and protect the vulnerable child victims of this madness.
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