University of Hull - gist
Talking of Hull Uni, one of the more omnipresent Governors was in London recently. He paid a couple of Nigerian girls studying at Hull £2000 each to come and sit with him.. Perhaps I should contact City People?
Talking of Hull Uni, one of the more omnipresent Governors was in London recently. He paid a couple of Nigerian girls studying at Hull £2000 each to come and sit with him.. Perhaps I should contact City People?
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Do you have personal bodyguards? Please, save yourself physical harm 'cos City People won't be there if the Governor finds out who leaked the story and decides to teach you a lesson. Whistleblowers are not very well protected here o...
If you want, I can reveal it. For free even, on my blog. Or even contact the tabloids. I don't shirk from these things.
hahahahah I think you should...
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