Friday, September 22, 2006

anorexia and its opposite..

There's been a lot of noise in the UK press about thin models and BMI index during the ongoing London Fashion Week. Anorexia remains a serious problem in the West, which can even lead to death in serious cases. In Nigeria, there's little danger of girls worrying that they look fatter than they are; rather, the opposite clinical condition bigarexia tends to hold: girls worry that they look thinner than they actually are. This probably leads to its own forms of eating disorders - girls gorging on carbs, eba etc in the hope that they will gain weight. It just goes to show that confidence in one's body-image is almost wholly determined by social context.


Anonymous,  10:22 pm  


My Talking Beginnings 10:12 pm  

This entry is strangely a morbid way of course!

Anonymous,  4:40 am  

AND TRUE.... I am starting to psychologically prepare myself to be attacked with tongue-in-cheek comments and mounds of eba this christmas.

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