A dream..
Last night in dreamtime - I slept in an uncovered eyrie in some city. My big white fluffy cat from childhood Lucy (or a cat resembling her) came up to join me, and settled herself down on my chest and started purring and pawing and claw-needling. Then, Murakami-style, she started to speak, I can't remember what about. Meanwhile, someone had fallen from a roof nearby; there was an atmosphere of tragedy, as the big cat lay languorously.. what can it all mean?
ok...first of all - what are you currently reading and what did you eat last night?
just some faulty wiring - hope it resolves itself
Cat sitting on your chest? No closer thing to witchcraft in Yoruba-land than that.
Whose fried pieces of meat have you been sampling lately?
Don't worry, I have had more than cats sit on my chest and the only time I walk on air is when I wear Nike trainers.
Obviously the cat represents the fat cats of Naija, and the doom around is what is going to happen to our country very soon
it could possibly mean a dream- thats what it is right ;) lololol
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